MCC – Cote d’Ivoire
In 2011, following its decade-long civil conflict, Cote d’Ivoire sought an aggressive recovery strategy. The Presidency contacted Endsight Consulting to help it use the MCC scorecard as a key roadmap to improve performance. At the time, it was one of the worst performing countries in the world. The leadership of Government leaders aggressively implemented our gameplan and Cote d’Ivoire was soon designated one of the fastest reformers in the world by the Mo Ibrahim Foundation. It was thereafter selected for an MCC Threshold program in 2014 then became qualified and was selected for MCC’s full Compact program in 2015, which resulted in $525 million in funding for infrastructure. The Government has renewed Endsight’s annual contract every year since 2011, where we continue to help it qualify for a second MCC Compact (at the higher, Lower-Middle Income category) and recommend policy reforms to support greater private business and investment.

Water Treatment Plant – Cameroon
In 2013, Endsight Consulting supported its client, an American engineering construction firm, ECC, to begin development of a large water treatment plant to provide much needed clean water to the people of the capital city of Yaoundé. After supporting initial engagements with the Government, Endsight shifted its responsibility to secure the necessary financing for the project. Endsight guided the parties and lead the application and approval process with the Export-Import Bank of the United States to secure a $60 million loan as a sovereign debt to the Government of Cameroon with favorable rates and tenor.

Doing Business - Senegal
The Presidency of Senegal seeks to improve this country’s ranking on the Doing Business report from #123 in the world to be in the Top 50 by 2024. Working with the Investment Promotion team during 2021, Endsight built a highly detailed roadmap of over 70 specific policy actions over three years and covering all 10 Doing Business categories. Senegal was fully on track with the reforms and our simulation had them achieving a Top 50 position by the DB24 report when the World Bank suspended the report. We expect a resumption of the effort when World Bank re-launches its Business Enabling Environment report, likely in 2023.

Performance Improvement – Democratic Republic of the Congo
In late 2021, Endsight began an intensive evaluation and reform roadmap for the Tshisekedi Administration to support its aggressive policies to fight corruption and improve on international indicators across the board. DRC is starting as one of the worst performers in the world, but Endsight and a dedicated team from the Ministry of Finance completed an in-depth analysis for each of the 20 MCC indicators and implemented missions to visit over a dozen of the key rating agencies. The work is in its early stages, but the pace of the Congolese effort will produce wide-ranging results during late-2022 and 2023.

MCC - Togo
Following a discussion with the President of Cote d’Ivoire, the President of Togo requested Endsight Consulting to create a similar roadmap toward MCC qualification. Starting in 2014, Endsight created customized guidance for Togo, which also resulted in it being named as one of the fastest reformers in the world by Mo Ibrahim. Endsight’s two-year work resulted in rapid improvements followed by selection to an MCC Threshold program valued at $35 million.